
Thursday, November 17, 2011


首届中国摄影国际双年展 以"百姓百年"为主题的首届中国摄影国际双年展已于15日在北京炎黄艺术馆开幕,本次展览共展出360余幅作品,从百姓日常生活视角出发,鲜活生动地重现过去130多年中国百姓的衣食住行、婚丧嫁娶、喜怒哀乐等生活细节,折射 ... 首届中国摄影国际双年展"以人为本"记录百姓百年生活

Northwestern 69, Tulsa 65

Northwestern 69, Tulsa 65 CHARLESTON, SC (AP) - Drew Crawford scored 28 points and John Shurna had a critical three-point play down the stretch to lead Northwestern into the Charleston Classic championship game with a 69-65 victory over Tulsa on Friday. ... Northwestern 69, Tulsa 65

Chicago Blackhawks (12-4-3) at Calgary Flames (7-9-1), 9 pm (ET)

Chicago Blackhawks (12-4-3) at Calgary Flames (7-9-1), 9 pm (ET) By Sports Network A four-game winning streak has catapulted the Chicago Blackhawks to the top of the NHL standings with 27 points and it doesn't appear the club will slow down any time soon. Two years removed from bringing the Stanley Cup back to ... Chicago Blackhawks (12-4-3) at Calgary Flames (7-9-1), 9 pm (ET)

VZP krátí peníze nemocným, za IZIP však platila golf

VZP krátí peníze nemocným, za IZIP však platila golf Praha - Projekt elektronických zdravotních knížek IZIP, který platila největší zdravotní pojišťovna VZP, vydával peníze nejen na přímý rozvoj a provoz systému, ale utrácel také statisíce na zábavných reklamních akcích pro VIP hosty. ... VZP krátí peníze nemocným, za IZIP však platila golf

Piratage: Sarkozy favorable à une extension de la loi aux sites de streaming

Piratage: Sarkozy favorable à une extension de la loi aux sites de streaming Nicolas Sarkozy a annoncé vendredi en Avignon que la législation contre le piratage de films et de musique sur internet pourrait être étendue aux sites de "streaming" dont certains permettent le téléchargement illégal d'oeuvres. ... Piratage: Sarkozy favorable à une extension de la loi aux sites de streaming

US revokes approval of Avastin for breast cancer

US revokes approval of Avastin for breast cancer By LAURAN NEERGAARD AP The US Food and Drug Administration has declared the blockbuster drug Avastin should no longer be used in breast cancer patients because there is no proof it extends their lives _ and it is causing dangerous side effects. ... US revokes approval of Avastin for breast cancer

Research shows travel combined with alcohol, weather can be deadly

Research shows travel combined with alcohol, weather can be deadly How have driving patterns during the Thanksgiving holidays changed during recent years? The answer to this question may help you avoid a crash, or at least the congestion that goes with most holiday travel. A recent study conducted by The University of ... Research shows travel combined with alcohol, weather can be deadly

Kripos inn i etterforskningen

Kripos inn i etterforskningen Lensmannen på Sotra har bedt om bistand fra Kripos i etterforskningen av dødsfallet til en åtte år gammel jente på øya mandag. Kripos er bedt om å hjelpe til med å analysere funn på åstedet, melder TV 2. Etterforskningen har ennå ikke gi noe klart svar ... Kripos inn i etterforskningen

Silent flood misery for 1.8M in Cambodia, Vietnam

Silent flood misery for 1.8M in Cambodia, Vietnam CHAKTO LORK, Cambodia (AP) — Hang Davi's life now depends on her husband's luck. If he catches fish in the stagnant floodwaters that have turned her Cambodian village into a lake, the family eats. If not, they go to bed hungry and pray his losing ... Silent flood misery for 1.8M in Cambodia, Vietnam

Qui tire la chasse peut suivre sa trace sur internet

Qui tire la chasse peut suivre sa trace sur internet PARIS - Un site internet proposant de suivre à la trace les eaux usées une fois la chasse d'eau tirée, a été lancé en France à quelques jours de la 10è journée mondiale des toilettes, at-on appris vendredi auprès du promoteur du site, une marque de ... Qui tire la chasse peut suivre sa trace sur internet

Souveräner Basler Sieg gegen Olten

Souveräner Basler Sieg gegen Olten Der EHC Basel feierte in der vorgezogenen 25. NLB-Runde einen Kantersieg mit 6:1 gegen Olten. Die Basler schlossen punktemässig zu Sierre auf, liegen aber weiter nur auf dem 9. Rang. In der 3. Minute hatte David Maurer die Gäste in Führung gebracht. ... Souveräner Basler Sieg gegen Olten

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